Men’s Care Center

The Men’s Care Center will be a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation housing facility for men who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction or other life issues.

Women’s Care Center

The Women’s Care Center will be a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation housing facility for women who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction or other life issues.

Benevlolence Center

The Benevolence Center will provide food, clothing and household items free of charge to needy Panola County residents or to others as the Board determines based on other needs such as natural disasters in our geographical area.

Samaritan Inn Family Care Center

The Samaritan Inn Family Care Center will provide transitional housing for homeless families and their children.

Men’s Emergency Housing Center

The Men’s Emergency Housing Center will serve to get a homeless man off the streets, out of the weather and away from crime-prone areas.

Women’s Emergency Housing Center

The Women’s Emergency Housing Center will serve to get a homeless woman off the streets, out of the weather and away from crime-prone areas.