The Women’s Emergency Housing Center will serve to get a homeless woman off the streets, out of the weather and away from crime-prone areas. Many times, homeless people are addicts that have been detoxed and released from a medical center but have no place to go or no family or friends that will take them back. This scenario is more common than the average person realizes. But, there are also times when a woman does not have an addiction but has lost everything they own due to fires, natural disasters, poor decisions or poverty level economic backgrounds. This program seeks to provide a temporary shelter to help any homeless woman have a chance to get a new start in life.
- Partner financially a scholarship in your honor or in memory of a loved one that will enable THE GRACE PLACE, Inc., to house a resident for the duration of their stay in the program.
- Partner financially a scholarship in honor of a Church, Sunday School Class or a Church’s mission organization that will enable THE GRACE PLACE, Inc., to house a resident for the duration of their stay in the program.
- Partner financially a scholarship in honor of a civic organization in which you are a member that will enable THE GRACE PLACE, Inc., to house a resident for the duration of their stay in the program.
- Volunteer to work in the Corporate Offices of THE GRACE PLACE, Inc., where you will conduct in-take interviews, process applications, etc.
- Volunteer women are needed to be a one-on-one mentor to a resident for the duration of their stay in the program.
- Volunteer women are needed to teach subjects at the facility on a once a week basis.